Letting Go

Have you heard the old saying that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime?  A friend of mine recently discussed how difficult it can be to let go of friends and it’s been on my mind for a few days. In the past this isn’t something I’ve struggled with.  […]

Treat yourself to a Present Christmas

How do you normally spend Christmas morning?  With family, friends, on your own?  Do you have your laptop or phone with you all the time? For me, regardless of whether I’m with family or with friends, I have started to notice that my phone is sneaking its way into the festivities which means I’m not […]

Make the connection

Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of lectures about Primal societies as I delve deeper into the whole Primal lifestyle template rather than simply focusing on food.  One thing I’ve noticed is that Primal societies were extremely sociable, and for good reason.  There is safety in numbers, and without all our modern conveniences (houses, supermarkets, […]

What makes you happy?

What makes you happy?  Are you satisfied with what you have, or do you feel you’ll be happy once  …. happens? I was always chasing the illusive something else:  if only I could get a pay raise, if only I could find another job, if only I could lose 10lb, if only I could meet the […]

The Art of Saying ‘No’

Yesterday morning my daily LinkedIn Pulse email included an article by actress and feminist Lena Dunham entitled ‘Don’t take it personally when I tell you ‘No’.  I’m using it on everyone this year’.  It was a good article and got me thinking about how I too am a bit of a people pleaser and find it hard to […]

What do you mean there is no wifi…?

While I was in Australia, along with travelling around, enjoying delicious food and drink, sightseeing and meeting friends I also did a bit of reading.  One book I read (re-read I should say) was ‘Be Brilliant Every Day’ by Andy Cope and Andy Whittaker (it’s a great book, you should check it out) and I came across […]

One Year On

One year ago today I packed my bags and headed to Saudi Arabia.  I must say it’s been the quickest year I can ever remember and also a whole lot of fun (and work, despite how it might seem at times, I do work). The morning when I left it felt a little bit like […]


Last week I went home to Scotland for 5 days to spend some time with family and friends. Although it was an extremely short visit, it was well worth it and I have to say I enjoyed every minute of it – even the fact it was freezing cold! I split my time between friends […]