Goodbye 2017

At the end of each year I normally like to look back and reflect on the year that’s gone by.  This year is no different, but I really must say I won’t be sad when 2017 is over.  Now, to be fair, I haven’t had a terrible year, it’s more been a real mix of […]

What do you love?

When you wake up in the morning, before jumping out of bed mad keen to start your day (or dragging yourself out from under the duvet), take a little mindful moment to look around you. How do you feel about everything you see when you wake up?  How do you feel about every room you […]

What makes you happy?

What makes you happy?  Are you satisfied with what you have, or do you feel you’ll be happy once  …. happens? I was always chasing the illusive something else:  if only I could get a pay raise, if only I could find another job, if only I could lose 10lb, if only I could meet the […]