Goodbye 2017

At the end of each year I normally like to look back and reflect on the year that’s gone by.  This year is no different, but I really must say I won’t be sad when 2017 is over.  Now, to be fair, I haven’t had a terrible year, it’s more been a real mix of year but because I spent a big chunk of it feeling not so healthy I’ll be glad to put it behind me.

The irony isn’t lost on me either…  the year I decide I want to establish a Wellness Coaching business I end up feeling very down, gaining weight and having issues with my skin.  The Universe has a funny way of making sure we really want to do what we say we want to do, and I’m taking my illness as a sign that I need to look after myself, get my own house in order before taking on more clients.

Thankfully I found out that I had developed an intolerance to fluoride so getting rid of this from my drinking water and toothpaste has made a huge difference – my skin is almost clear and I feel my mood is stable again.  The weight loss will take a bit more commitment and patience to sort out but I’m taking steps in the right direction with that too – there will be more on this over the coming weeks.

However, there were some very bright spots in 2017, and a lot to be grateful for.  Mostly these involved travel, family and friends.  I was fortunate enough to revisit 2 of my favourite cities – Beirut and Amsterdam; and I also visited the beautiful island of Zanzibar.  Of course, I also spent time at home in Scotland with family and friends, and had a lot of fun times with friends here in Saudi Arabia.

I had some articles published in company magazines and I’m lucky that I have lovely colleagues who make the working day more interesting.  Mostly, I’m grateful for the lessons of 2017 – be clear on what I want to achieve, make sure I’m taking adequate care of myself in order to achieve what I want, and don’t give up – no matter what the Universe throws my way!

So cheers 2017, you’ve been interesting.

Now let’s see what 2018 will bring…


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