Well hello there, 2018

I have to admit I’m ridiculously excited about this year.  If you read my previous post, you’ll know that 2017 was a bit of a mixed year for me so I’m overflowing with excitement to get going with 2018. This year will focus more than ever on Mindfulness – I’ll be continuing with my gratitude […]

What do you love?

When you wake up in the morning, before jumping out of bed mad keen to start your day (or dragging yourself out from under the duvet), take a little mindful moment to look around you. How do you feel about everything you see when you wake up?  How do you feel about every room you […]

Radical Forgiveness

This morning at work I was listening to a Mind Valley talk by Vishen Lakhiani while I was running some reports.  The subject of the talk touched on forgiveness and how the act of forgiving someone can bio-hack your brain. So who do you need to forgive? Who or what may you be holding a […]


What do you think of when you read this word? For me it has various meanings…  being committed to a partner or your family, committed to a cause of vocation or committed to an institution, mostly relating to mental health issues. I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently in the ‘committed to a relationship’ […]

Where is Home?

‘Home is where the heart is’ as the saying goes, but what happens if you struggle to define where or what ‘home’ means to you? For me right now ‘home’ is two places:  Salsburgh, the village in central Scotland where I grew up and where my parents, sister and some of my friends live; and Dhahran, Saudi […]

What makes you happy?

What makes you happy?  Are you satisfied with what you have, or do you feel you’ll be happy once  …. happens? I was always chasing the illusive something else:  if only I could get a pay raise, if only I could find another job, if only I could lose 10lb, if only I could meet the […]