Liebster Award for ‘Saudi Arabia and other stories’

First of all a massive ‘Thank You’ to Calowue at Sussing Out Shakespeare for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  It’s an honour to be nominated, so thank you once again.  It takes a little bit of time to answer the questions and think of 10 questions of your own, but it’s a fun thing to do.

Liebster Award

So what is the Liebster Award?  Well it’s a sort of Blogging ‘relay’ where bloggers (particularly new bloggers) recommend others and all us bloggers get to find out a little bit more about each other – it’s always good to make connections and receive feedback (hopefully of the positive variety!).  In order to get to know other bloggers, the nominee asks 10 questions of 10 nominated bloggers so here are my answers…


1  When did you start blogging?  And why?

I started blogging in December 2013 just before I moved to Saudi Arabia.  It was mostly as a way to let family and friends back home keep up to date with my travels and new life in the Middle East.

2  Do you love your blog as it is or are you still experimenting?

I have changed the style of my blog a few times but for now I’m happy with it.  However, it could all change again.

3  About what themes do you love blogging the most?

My biggest love is travel blogging and this is the main focus on my blog.  I do add the occasional ‘random’ theme as things pop into my head and I decide to share them.

4  Does your blog have a regular feature?

There is no regular feature just yet but I have a few ideas in the pipeline.  Keep an eye out for these…

5  Do you have more blogs than one?

I have only one active blog.  Years ago I had another blog on another site but I didn’t invest any time in it and it fell by the wayside.

6  Do you drink tea or coffee while you write articles?

It really depends on the time of day.  If I write in the morning I have coffee, if it’s in the evening I have green tea or water.

7  Do you snack while writing your article?

I tend not to.  I usually get so engrossed in writing it is all I think about.

8  What’s your favourite character out of a book or a film right now?

My favourite character right now is from a TV show (I hope that’s okay…) – Jessica Jones

9  Does your favourite character change a lot or does it stay the same?

My favourite character does tend to change, especially if I read a really engaging book or watch an amazing film.

10  Imagine to meet this character.  How would it happen and where?  Or would you hide?

I think I would be a little bit intimidated by Jessica Jones, she’s very straight talking!  However if I did meet her I reckon it would be in a dive bar in NYC and we’d chat over a few drinks!

10 random things about me…  1. I drink my coffee black with a spoonful of coconut oil  2. I’m left handed  3. I draft my blog posts in notebooks, proper ‘Old Skool’  4. I love to talk  5. I hate, hate, hate wasps  6. I used to be vegetarian, now I enjoy eating meat (as ethically sourced as possible)    7. I love eggs, but they must be free range   8. I ran a marathon in 2009 – never again!!  9. Although I’m Scottish I hate whisky (this always surprises people!)  10. I love dark chocolate, the darker the better 

My nominations…

I would like to nominate the following bloggers for a Liebster Award:

  1. The Runaway Plate
  2. Travel.Taste.Create
  3. Travels in the Middle East and Beyond
  4. Eat Primal, Run Hard
  5. Truly Madly Deeply Me
  6. Photophile
  7. live love CLE!
  8. Rob Crothall’s Space
  9. The fat lazy mums guide to success
  10. Tiffany Rebekah Lifestyle

The rules…

  1.  Acknowledge the blogger that nominated you and display the award
  2. Answer 10 question that blogger gives you
  3. Give 10 random facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 10 blogs with under 200 followers
  5. Notify the bloggers that you have nominated them
  6. Give them 10 questions to answer
Your Questions…
  1. When did you start blogging and why?
  2. What is your favourite thing to blog about?
  3. What inspires you?
  4. What is your favourite food?
  5. What is your dream (or favourite) destination and why would you like to go there?
  6. Coffee or tea? (or something else?)
  7. Does your blog have a regular feature?
  8. Who would you like to travel with – this can be someone from the past or present, real or fictional
  9. If you had a past life, which era would you like to live in and why?
  10. What is your all-time favourite book?

Have fun everyone – I look forward to seeing your answers!  Of course it is totally up to you if you want to do this, participation is not compulsory.

4 thoughts on “Liebster Award for ‘Saudi Arabia and other stories’

  1. Thank you. And congratulations on yours too. This is a great way to learn more about our fellow Blogging 101 classmates!

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